Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Baby it's Cold Outside [in Space]

It's already two weeks into the new year. The holidays are OFFICIALLY over.
Everybody stop having so much fun.
Get back to work.
Cookies are not part of a balanced breakfast.
Stop wasting your days (and nights) watching Sci-Fi movies.

Ok, so maybe that last part was just us.

Somewhere between Avatar, Back to the Future I, Back to the Future II (yikes, what were we thinking?), 2001 Space Odyssey, Attack of the 50ft. Woman, and Star Trek; you'd think Santa would've got his shit together and given at least ONE of us something like this to snuggle up under:

Quilts from right to left
RI36 in 30 Doradus, Phobos V2, Ambush in Quadrant 4 on the Far Side of the Pleiades

I don't think you really get it yet. I suggest you watch this video from the artist himself:

Lets get this straight. An intergalactic robot-assisted artist has taken time off from his salt and vinegar export business to travel back in time to sell his quilts on Etsy. Etsy must be much more lucrative then I had thought.

As always, I suspect the DeLorean is involved somehow.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Have you ever been to Royal Claytons? If not, lucky are you to be spared such horrors since it appears I have single-handedly taken them down. Quite fed up one day a few months ago, I signed up to Yelp and wrote this review:

Three days a go I received this response:

Just so you know......

I was fired over your Royal Clayton's review. It was terrible. I lost my apartment, my boyfriend, everything. I can see that was your first review so i guess my terrible service prompted you to sign up on here. Just so you know that DOES happen to people so use this site wisely, and in turn, I will work on my manners. Anyway, Clayton's is now out of business and I have a way better job. So thanks. I guess.

Yes, I entertained the thought that his could in fact be a prank, but my heart knows it is not. How else to explain the warm-fuzzy body high I felt when reading Katie's response? Two whiskey and ginger-ales you say? Yes, most likely. That and the warm embrace of justice being served.

You're welcome.

Yelp: mad respect.